Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Clothes and Mr Happy.

Took little man swimming yesterday and then to the rents house for some Chinese takeout. Yum.

I think the lady at the restaurant thinks im nuts. I'm a creature of habit, garlic chicken with no broccoli. Never changes, never will. I love broccoli but if I don't say "no broccoli" I'll end up with a sea of it and two little chunks of chicken. I get that its a cheap filler but that's their problem not mine. So alas every time I order I say "garlic chicken - no broccoli" (they don't say ''with'' so why should I?) She asks "no broccoli?)  Gahhh! Okay, that's the end of this particular rant.

So anyway, little man was all tired and cranky and fought bedtime but he slept an amazing 12 hrs. And what did I do with the opportunity to sleep in? I got up at 7am and washed and folded 3 loads of laundry. Sigh. I did it because hubby is allergic to doing laundry.

Little man got up around 9 and the morning rituals commenced. Breakfast, throwing said breakfast on floor when he was full, changed his clothes, diaper and yes I stayed in my jammies all day. I didn't leave the house so its okay.

Hubby got up at 10ish, in full blown cranky, feet dragging, glowering glory. I don't call him it to his face but that's what I call a Mr. Happy. So I told him if he was going to be such an unpleasant ass then he should just go back to bed. Wanna guess what he did? Yep, went back to bed. Must be nice. I get that he doesn't get off work till 2:30am but we have a child and I have a diminishing supply of patience for whining.

At least little man took a nap so that I could catch up on a little Triple D. I might be a little in love with Guy Fieri. I think I deserve junk food for dinner so bacon wrapped jalepeno poppers for dinner it is. The devil made me do it.

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